Tackling debt is an important step in pursuing your biggest money goals. The type of debt I’m referring to here is that which holds a high interest rate. Or what us investment professionals also refer to as bad debt.
Have you ever stopped to observe and reflect on the beliefs you have about money? How you think and feel about money is often the result of early money experiences that were formed in your childhood. And this means a lot of those beliefs were picked up from your primary influences at the time and not actually beliefs you have consciously chosen for yourself.
War, inflation, interest rate hikes, and talks of a recession have weighed heavily on the financial markets this year. A perfect storm of events making the arrival of your monthly investment statements a frightening event.
Growing up, my family struggled financially. I was raised by a single mom who received no child support, and I’m so grateful for the sacrifices she made. My mom worked very hard to support my sister and I. Watching her make ends meet, meant my early memories of money revolved around the financial stress I witnessed my mom endure.